About Me
Hi! I'm Vedang 👋. I live in 🌏 Pune, India, and I like building products from the ground up. I am the founder of 🖥️ Unravel.tech, a senior engineering consulting company where we coach leaders to lead better.
I enjoy talking about how we learn, ideal engineering and product culture, and Indian philosophy. I am an engineer at heart 🤟. I use Emacs as my editor-for-everything, and blog about it from time to time1. Some of my work can be found on GitHub. I feel best qualified to discuss engineering management, distributed systems, web development, and SaaS businesses. I enjoy participating in discussions around all things engineering!
I love reading books, and I write book reviews once in a while2. I also have strong personal opinions on mythology and culture, and I use this space to try and convert random strangers to my point of view3.
This is what I'm working on right now: What I'm Doing Now
If you want to get in touch, please send me a message at vedang.manerikar on Google's email service. I'm also active on Mastodon and Twitter.
Presentations & Talks
- (2024 IN/Clojure) Developer Tooling for Speed and Productivity in 2024
- (2020 IN/Clojure) Growing a Clojure Company
- (2015 Fifth Elephant) Dead simple Scalability patterns
- (2021 The defn Podcast) Episode 80 - Vedang Manerikar
- (2017 Helpshift) Imagine working in Engineering at Helpshift
- (2014 Yourstory) Scaling systems at Helpshift
Open-source Contributions
Some useful things on my Github account:
- cljc-fsrs: A Clojure(script) implementation of FSRS v4 from open-spaced-repetition.
- clj-logging: A template to configure structured logging in your Clojure projects.
- pdf-tools: Emacs support library for PDF files.
- clj-fdb: An early version Clojure wrapper on top of the Java API for FoundationDB.
- meilisearch-clj: Clojure client for the Meilisearch API.
- bb-scripts: Small scripts written in Babashka.
- org-mode-crate: Super powered configuration for org-mode. Everything I use in my org flow.
- emacs-up: A bare-bones config for Clojure programming in Emacs.
- cheatsheets: Some common commands / ways to do things. The Git one is especially useful.
Unmaintained projects, but I am proud of these:
- ox-neuron: An exporter for Org-Mode, which exports org-mode content to markdown, as understood by the Neuron and Emanote Static Site generators.
- el-spice: A minor mode to improve the coding experience of writing Emacs Lisp.
- nginx-nonewlines: A Nginx module to strip out all whitespace. (This was my Helpshift Interview task)

1 You can find these posts under the Emacs tag
2 You can find these posts under the Books tag
3 By now, I'm sure you've gotten the gist of where this is heading. The Mahabharata tag
Published On: Mon, 27 Jun 2022. Last Updated On: Thu, 12 Sept 2024.