Ideas are worthless. Here, have some for free.

The title of this page comes from Nemo's excellent talk about ideas1.

A common question I get is: "I want to do something of my own, but how do I even get an idea?". I like to point them to this tweet by levelsio:

Person not doing anything: How do you get ideas for startups? What should I build???

Person in the arena: Literally no time to build all the ideas I have and need to make

That's why doing ANYTHING is always better, taking ANY action gets you the next idea to build

The truth of the matter is – as soon as you start working on something, anything, that is even slightly original, a ton of cool ideas will start popping into your mind! When they do, your job is to write them down, maybe do an initial analysis, and share them widely with the world. Wouldn't it be great if someone else builds what you want and makes it available to you?

This page is a TBD IN PROGRESS page that collects ideas – my own as well as other folks'2.


1 The video of the talk hasn't been publicly uploaded yet. Until then, be sure to check out Nemo's "ideas" page:

2 To see other idea pages, check:

Published On: Sun, 12 May 2024. Last Updated On: Wed, 10 Jul 2024.